Major announcement

Hey everyone, Cassy here (Again)

I'll just jump into what I have to say right now:


  1. I'm Rebuilding the game from the ground up. (And I'm taking my time with it instead of rushing a 1 month release date.)
  2. The code base I used to make the current public demo is preventing me from fixing critical bugs.
  3. I'd rather not waste resources and time trying to gut out ~60% of the current demo's code just to fix 3 major bugs. (Even when I intended on just redoing the game after the bug hotfix to better the gameplay and game feel anyways.)

The actual post

This is a follow-up to the last post I made about the bugfixes that were planned. I just want to first say THANK YOU to everyone that even played the game and gave some feedback (Mostly through discord). Secondly I'm restarting the gamer's development. "Why?" you may ask? Well because I've came the the sinking realization that I'm unable to fix some of the critical flaws with the current demo (bug wise).

When I first coded this game I didn't realize I'd backed myself into a wall.  I coded the game with the fullest intention of improving it post release, however for the past 4 days of trying to fix 3 of the major bugs, I realized that it just isn't worth it. The code base for the game is by all means a "Toothpick stuck into the ground balancing a giant skyscraper on it's tip"  (the classic "Just keep coding, I'll fix it later" really sings home with this one). The original plan on recoding everything in after the hotfix... Now I'm more confident in what direction of gameplay I'd want to take it, I don't think the current demo is what I wanted. (Well, more like I wanted it, but I didn't execute it how I'm currently wanting it.)

So what now?

I'll keep the current demo up (for now).

I'll keep this place posted on the progress of the rework.

After I've got more to show I'll take down the current demo and update the game page.

No release date estimate (yet.)

Oh and one more thing... If anyone out there is curious about more of the "nitty gritty" of how I'm developing this game, feel free to join the game's Discord (I've started posting more in depth dev things in there):

Get Outward System Trauma

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